Have you prayed for many years, and tried on many occasions to bring a loved one to Jesus? Have you reached a dead-end and about to give up? Here is a story of surprises to remind us to trust God. He works in His own time and in surprising ways!
Pastor Alby steered his car towards Assisi Hospice. After a long exhausting Saturday evening at church, he had wanted to go home. But he found himself yielding to God’s prompting to visit Madam Tan, the elderly aunt of two church members.
He walked into the ward to find her soundly sleeping. For a while, he sat quietly by her, praying over her. She awoke and surprised him by raising the issue of life and death.
Pastor Alby had shared the message of salvation with her a few times before, but she had resisted. He asked her again if she was willing to receive Jesus into her heart.
“Hao de!” she replied resoundingly, in Mandarin meaning, “Sure!”
Taken by surprise, Pastor Alby asked if she was willing to be baptised.
“Hao de!”, she replied again, resoundingly. They decided that she would be baptised on Monday in the presence of her relatives.
On Sunday, however, Pastor Alby felt compelled to visit her. Unknown to him, she had already prepared herself to be baptised, even before Monday came. Pastor Alby learned later that she had told her two nieces and their mother, after his visit on Saturday, that she was only “entertaining the pastor” when she said yes to both his questions, about salvation and baptism.
However, that very night, she had a near-death encounter which stirred her heart to recall her conversations with Pastor Alby. She decided then to affirm the proclamations she had made earlier.
Upon her swift and sturdy request, Pastor Alby baptised Madam Tan with her two nieces as witnesses.
As Pastor Alby was clearing the baptism bowl at a nearby sink, a lady approached him. Choo (not her real name) had overheard the conversation between Pastor Alby and Madam Tan, and had observed the baptism as she sat beside an adjacent bed in the same ward.
Choo requested with urgency for Pastor Alby to pray for and share the gospel with her mother in the nearby bed. Elated at the opportunity, Pastor Alby proceeded to present the gospel in simple Mandarin. As he asked Choo’s mother a series of questions, she nodded and replied affirmatively to all his questions.
Choo scrambled to take out her mobile phone to record the scene unfolding before her to everyone’s bewilderment. Later, she revealed to Pastor Alby that her mother had been too frail and weak to respond to anyone. It was a miracle that she was able to reply so lucidly to the pastor’s questions, seven in all!
But that was not the end of the surprises. Pastor Alby found out that Choo was not a believer! He was curious. Why would she ask him to pray and share the gospel with her mother? Choo disclosed that she had witnessed her sister’s many failed attempts to share the gospel with their mother and knew her sister’s heart’s desire was for their mother to come to Jesus. When Choo heard Pastor Alby speaking with such conviction to Madam Tan, she felt deep in her heart that she wanted the same truth for her dying mother.
A few days later, Pastor Alby felt led to the Hospice again. Choo’s mother had been transferred to another ward, but Choo had heard of his visit. As they sat at the lounge recalling the events of the past days, Pastor Alby reflected, “Sometimes God works a miracle to fulfill another miracle.”
Indeed, that day, another miracle took place. Choo prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3.9)
Soon after, Choo's mother passed away and Pastor Alby was invited to conduct the vigil service. At the wake, he spoke with Choo’s husband who candidly expressed his reservations about Christianity. Nevertheless, he ended with these words, “I might surprise you!” Pastor Alby smiled at Choo’s husband. Who knows, it may be God who surprises him.
Already, God had surprised all parties in this narrative. When Pastor Alby yielded to God’s prompting to visit Madam Tan late on a Saturday night, he had no idea it would lead to the salvation of three precious souls. The angels rejoiced in heaven, and have already welcomed one home over there.
Both Madam Tan and Madam Ong had since been called home to Jesus, one a day after the other, just as each had believed, one day after the other. The angels rejoiced in heaven at their salvation, and welcomed them home at God’s perfect timing.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3.9)
Madeline Ang is a published poet, writer and editor. She writes from a heart that sees God in a prism of pain and of praise, praying for a journey of despair to turn into a pilgrimage of hope.
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Copyright ©2025. All rights reserved. Updated February 2025.
The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore
4 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579792