10-11 July 2023. Fraser's Place, Puteri Harbour, Johor Bahru
“Strengthening Our Churches: Discipling & Mentoring”
Seventy-two pastors and leaders from 11 BPCIS churches spent two days engaging with Ps Benny Ho from Faith Community Church, Perth, Australia, as he shared from his decades of experience and wisdom on the vital roles of discipling and mentoring in the local church.
Attending their first-ever BPCIS Retreat, a mother-daughter duo from Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church share their reflections. Each finds her time at the Retreat enriching in different ways.
“This is my first retreat and I was glad I went. Pastor Benny Ho’s sessions left me with many nuggets of wisdom on discipleship and mentoring which I can apply to the ministries under my care. His framework and practical illustrations allow us to adapt his ideas on how we can be intentional in disciple-making in our local churches.
“However, what touched me most about our speaker was his heart as a leader. He is one who orientates his heart and structures his time to abide in God and His Word. I also appreciated Pastor Benny’s honesty when he shared with us his ministry struggles during the fireside chat.
“To top this experience, I had the most amazing time fellowshipping and exchanging ideas with like-minded leaders, young and old. It was so refreshing to hear stories and exchange ideas with leaders who are passionate about the kingdom’s work. I was also greatly inspired and humbled to get to know leaders who though young in years have the audacity, heart and love to serve the church as elders, deacons and ministry staff. I left thoroughly refreshed.”
- Lillian Yeo
“The BPCIS retreat was a memorable experience which enriched me spiritually. I found the messages on discipleship from Pastor Benny Ho encouraging and inspiring. Given that much of my leadership journey has been one of trial and error, learning systematic frameworks and mentoring cycles was useful. I will be applying it to my work in the youth ministry! Moreover, I was reminded of the importance of maintaining the inner spiritual life to remain fruitful in our labor. My booklet was thick with notes by the end of the retreat.
“I was also glad for the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals across ages, from old veterans to young adults who obeyed the call of God to serve. I got to cross-share ideas, share ministry burdens and learn from others. I was heartened and inspired to see the work of God across the BP churches. It expanded my perspective of ministry efforts beyond the walls of my church. I was challenged to not view my age, position or experience level as a barrier to the level of impact I could leave, but rather, to focus on God’s strength that empowers me.
“There is much untapped potential in collaborations across the BP churches, and I hope to see more of it occurring in due time. My hope is that BPCIS will have a more defined presence in our churches, such that more people can benefit and impact from the partnership.”
- Cassandra Yeo
Lillian Yeo serves as deaconess taking care of both the youth and young adult ministries at Hebron BPC. Cassandra is a youth mentor and heads the ushering ministry at the Saturday 5pm service in Hebron BPC.
Copyright ©2025. All rights reserved. Updated February 2025.
The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore
4 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579792