Faithful in Ministry Fruitful in Mission Book Launch



Faithful in Ministry, Fruitful in Mission Book Launch

Honoring the Pastor of 33 Years in One Church: Rev Dr Daniel Chua of Mount Carmel BP Church

Faithful in Ministry, Fruitful in Mission

Rev Dr Daniel Chua served as Pastor, Senior Pastor and Pastor-at-Large of Mount Carmel BP Church, from 1988 to 2021. To honour him, his predecessor Pastor David Wong and successor Pastor Oh Boon Leong, co-edited a collection of essays from 33 contributors, bearing the title, “Faithful in Ministry, Fruitful in Mission”. The book was launched on 15 October on the occasion of the honoree’s 65th birthday. Copies are available from at $18. Proceeds go to BPCIS. written before by single authors. The editorial team set out to present a fair and accurate account of our history. To paint the big picture, the 12 chapters begin with “The Reformed Faith and Theology” and “Presbyterian Heritage and Distinctives”.

Other Resources

Speak Truth in Love ToolkitAdd a

We would like to highlight a resource for Christians  started by a group of individuals who put together a toolkit for Church leaders and individuals to hold better conversations around the difficult topic of vaccination. On their site, it says:

"Speak Truth in Love" is an initiative that aims to foster empathy and cultivate an ethos of honor and love within the church, while providing clarity to difficult vaccine or COVID-19-related questions at the intersection of faith and science.

While we may not agree on all fronts, we can choose to honor one another in our conversations. We can choose to confront truth with love. Our team has collected real questions on-ground to produce a series of compelling videos to help shape conversations that bring life. We hope they can equip the Body of Christ to tackle hard conversations with empathy, authenticity, truth and love.

Connect to Toolkit

"Pastoral Selfcare" keynote address powerpoints from the Christian Mental Health Conference, 2021, in Singapore. 

At the inaugural Christian Mental Health Conference, held via Zoom, 15-16 July 2021, Rev Dr David Wong gave a keynote address on "Pastoral Selfcare" sharing biblical insight and practical counsel on how pastors can take care of themselves as they take care of others.


At a hybrid seminar on Census 2020, Religions and Youth, 19 July 2021, Rev Dr David Wong gave a response to the paper by Dr Mathew Mathews, Head of Institute of Policy Studies Social Lab, outlining challenges facing churches in Singapore based on findings from the Census.


The PowerPoint slides of Pastor David's presentations are available on the BPCIS website.  Download the PDFs by clicking on the following images.

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