Ten years ago we took tentative steps to form a Presbytery to bring Bible-Presbyterian (BP) churches together. With the tagline “Speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4.15), we adopted the three-fold agenda of developing leaders, building relationships and sharing resources. Over the decade, we ordained 10 ministers of the gospel, mostly from the next generation. Our pastors met monthly for fellowship over lunch, and annually with other leaders at retreats. Our members came together for combined services at Good Friday. We shared best practices and resources for ministries and projects. Going forward, our prayer is for God’s favour to rest upon us and establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17).
When the new Presbytery was launched in October 2011, Pastor Tan Eng Boo was there, representing Grace BIble-Presbyterian Church, one of the observer churches. But it would take ten years before the church laid aside its observer status. On 10th October 2021, the congregation voted to join the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore (BPCIS). Please read their story “Grace Added” on BPCIS website.
On 25 Sep, at our annual meeting (third since we officially registered with Registry of Societies), the following were elected to serve for next two years: Ps Timothy Phua (Mount Horeb) as Moderator, Ps Lawrence Ong (Zion Serangoon) as Clerk, and Ps Daniel Tan (Mount Hermon) as Treasurer. In the coming years, God helping us, we embark on agenda DBS 2.0: devoting to prayer, building bridges and strengthening our churches.
Ps Daniel Chua completes 33 years of pastoral ministry at Mount Carmel, and transitions to service with Ambassadors for Christ, Singapore. Based in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, he will coordinate the training of pastoral leaders in several countries in Asia. Several BP pastors will serve with him as trainers.
Ps Quek Swee Hwa will transition to Pastor-at-Large with Elder David Leong assuming pastoral responsibilities in Emmanuel. Mount Hermon will move from its present location at Choa Chu Kang to a freehold property in Henderson, close to where the church started in Telok Blangah.
As BPCIS crosses the 10th anniversary milestone, we are still a work in progress. But we are assured and “sure of this, that he who began a good work… will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 ESV
“On behalf of the Evangelical Free Churches of Singapore, we bring you warm greetings in Jesus' name for the 10th Anniversary of the reconstituted Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian churches in Singapore. The EFCS has enjoyed much fellowship with the BPCIS through friendship with Rev David Wong and Rev Daniel Chua through the years. We are honoured and blessed by their godly servant spirit.
We rejoice for the regathering of the BP Churches in Singapore in the form of this Presbytery. It is wonderful to have brothers and sisters in Christ dwell together in unity. We pray this oneness will not just grow among the BP churches, but also together with the rest of the Body in our nation, that we might truly be one in loving one another and so demonstrate we are His disciples.
May the Lord's Presence guide and guard you all and give you much joy as you celebrate this wonderful milestone!"
“Dear brothers and sisters of the Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore,
You are celebrating your 10th Anniversary in the midst of great uncertainties about the future of our world. The scourge of the present pandemic has cast a dark cloud over every sphere of human l ife. Yet it is precisely in this very context that God has meant for BPCIS to cross the threshold of the first decade of your formation.
Among other things, the gathering of your member churches is a testimony to Gospel realities that our troubled world needs to know today: that there is forgiveness and healing with God despite human brokenness and frailties; that separation is not the final word in God’s purposes for members of his family; that vulnerable jars of clay are the very vessels God has chosen to carry the treasure of his reconciling message to the world.
On this 10th Anniversary of BPCIS, I rejoice with you at how far God has enabled you to come. May God who has formed you for his praise, increase your number, multiply the fruits of your labor, and bring to completion the good work he has begun in you until the day our Lord Jesus returns.”
"Greetings from The Bible Society of Singapore in the name of Christ our Lord who says, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:22). It is with great joy that I am greeting you as you commemorate the 10th Anniversary of The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore. Our heartiest congratulations to The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore for the milestone.
Indeed, God's grace has sustained and kept The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore through years of challenging times to what it is today for the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that God will continue to keep the member churches in the bond of love and unity in Christ—to be a body which serves the churches in the spirit of servant-leadership taught by our Lord Jesus. "from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." (Ephesians 4:16).
Rev Ezekiel Tan
General Secretary/CEO
"Have a meaningful celebration that will further strengthen the bonds in the BPCIS at all levels.“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I am recommending to all my friends and colleagues.”
Copyright ©2025. All rights reserved. Updated February 2025.
The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore
4 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579792